7 Ways Mid-level Managers to Connect Effectively with Your Team

7 Effective Ways for Mid-level Managers to Connect Effectively with Your Team

It’s proven that high-engagement leadership requires a connection. So to help you connect purposefully and manage your team effectively, we have put together 7 effective ways for you to connect with your team and exert positive influence.

As mid-level managers, you are in charge of creating an effective working environment. Right from administering day-to-day routines, monitoring performance, making sure everything is done in compliance with the organization’s needs, and most importantly ensuring your team is well aligned to the organization’s goals and motivated to deliver their best.

It’s a no-brainer that trustworthy connections in a workplace are the driving force of creativity and synchronized vision. As mid-level managers building meaningful connections with your team is critical.

In this article, we’ll cover:

7 Effective ways to connect with Your team

1.    Communication is the key!
2.   Frequent productive meetings
3.   Ask for help
4.   Have frequent offline connects
5.   Be an enabler to help your team reach their absolute best
6.   Lead by example
7.   Hit the reward network of the brain

Let's Start

1.    Communication is the key!

Clarity in communication leads to less ambiguity and more certainty and better team connect. Openly and regularly sharing your thoughts through appropriate channels ensures that your team members understand you well enough. Equally important is to be a good listener- listen with intent and serve as it also reinforces that you value your team members. Never forget that opening your ear to employees to find out what’s going right and wrong is smart business.

2.   Frequent productive meetings

Regular team interaction is the way to go for effectively connecting with your team members. More frequent interactions help in reducing the blockages that your employees might be facing. It fuels the connection between colleagues and also helps them to stay on track.

3.   Ask for help

You are human too and you may not have answers to all the questions. If you want to truly connect with your team, reach out to your team for their ideas, point of view. When you do this, you are communicating that “I need you, you are relevant to this team and our mission.”

4.   Have frequent offline connects

It’s as important to connect with your team members outside of the work environment. Socializing beyond work helps to get insights into the people on a more personal level and strikes a deeper bond. It also aids in building more resilience during conflicts in a professional setting.

5.   Be an Enabler to help your team reach their absolute best

As a manager make every effort to create an environment that helps your team know their drive and achieve their goals.  Find ways where you can be a,‘ Growth Enabler,’  like hosting team or personal meetings as a group or an individual to discuss their professional or personal goals. Be a mentor or a coach who is invested in helping your team move forward so that they can be their absolute best – this is a great way for forging deep connections with your team members and helps build trust.

6.   Lead by example

Never hesitate to roll up your sleeves, get dirty, and help your team get the job done when the situation demands. It is not about managing your team from a distance but has more to do with getting onto the floor and connecting with them, helping them move forward, and inviting ideas and suggestions. Make an effort to stay connected to the ground, and know what is happening across levels it will only help you to connect and manage better. Remember your team appreciates you being a team player. Make sure people feel like they’re valuable to the company through your actions, they will crush it for you.

7.   Hit the reward network of the brain

Express gratitude and appreciation even for smaller tasks. The result is – people feel more fulfilled and willing to do more. This also enhances the connection between you and your team. Also celebrate small or big wins to reinforce that you are in it to win it together.

Remember when you can make connecting with your team members a priority, they will make engaging with you a priority. Connecting with others is the key to influence.

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