Leadership traits I learnt from Mr Ratan Tata

I remember this photo distinctively, not just because it was taken with my first mobile camera in 2003 but because of what happened immediately after I clicked this photo.
I had bought a Palm Zire 71 that had a built-in digital camera during my first trip to the US. Soon after, I was at an event that had Mr Tata and several other leaders present. I asked him if I could take a photo of him but instead of asking the official photographer, I took out my Palm and clicked this picture.
Mr Tata was immediately intrigued – he wanted to check out the device. As he was fiddling with the camera – which operated by sliding up a panel, the Palm slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. There were gasps all around. Mr Tata immediately bent down to retrieve it even as I tried to do the same. I could see his eyes were filled with anxiety. Fortunately, the plush carpeting of the Taj ballroom had saved the Palm. It was perfectly fine.
Then something more unexpected happened. Mr Tata apologised to me for dropping the handheld. All the other senior folks were around and I was dumbstruck. I just managed to mumble that it was fine and clicked a photo of the Tata Power MD, Firdose Vandrewala to show that the camera was OK.
Almost 20 years old, this incident is etched in my mind. I cannot forget the child-like Curiosity that Mr Tata had when he saw the new gadget. Later, I was to discover his immense curiosity to learn about new technologies, devices and more!
Equally, I was amazed by his Humility. He could have just brushed this whole thing off, but his anxiety was palpable and the words so sincere. Again and again, I have seen that he treats everyone with equal respect.
Curiosity and humility, the two traits of leadership that I learnt from Mr Tata, fortunately very early in my career. And I strive to live up to the standards that he has set. These qualities of Ratan Tata as a leader continue to inspire countless individuals to this day.