Creating Competitive Advantage

Course Duration: 3 Hours | In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous) world where competitors quickly replicate products and pricing, how can businesses stay ahead? This interactive course helps you identify the key elements of building a sustainable competitive advantage. Learn proven frameworks to differentiate your business, strengthen market position, and outpace the competition.
Srinivasa Addepalli · November 23, 2021

Whom is it for?

  • Business Managers and Executives
  • Entrepreneurs and Start-up Founders
  • Marketing and Sales Professionals
  • Business Consultants
  • Business Students

What will you learn?

  • How Competitive Strategy sets a firm ahead in their sector?
  • Analyse the impact of ecosystem around your business using Porter’s 5 Forces
  • Practice strategy framework to understand customer, analyse competition and position your value proposition
  • Stand out from competitors with unique customer experience
  • Understand different approaches to understand Customer value
  • Understand the framework to formulate the strategy
Average Review Score:
training content focus with relevant example

very good

Creating Competitive Advantage

Very excellent training

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About Instructor

Srinivasa Addepalli

CEO, GlobalGyan. Srini has been a visiting faculty in the strategy area at leading Indian b-schools including IIM Ahmedabad, NMIMS, TAPMI, IIM Nagpur, and IIT Hyderabad. Srini’s teaching is focused on the areas of business acumen. He works with corporate management teams in the areas of strategic thinking, commercial acumen, M&A and integration, ethics & values, innovation, and leadership communication. Srini has (co-)authored several case studies, which have been published by ISB/HBSP, IIMA and Ivey. His case on business ethics was the Overall Winner at the ISB-Ivey Global Case Competition 2014. Earlier, Srini was Chief Strategy Officer at Tata Communications, a global provider of enterprise and wholesale telecommunication services.

87 Courses

+89 enrolled
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5000 INR

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate